The Smart Nonprofit
I am thrilled to share with you my article in today’s Harvard Business Review, “How Smart Tech Is Transforming Nonprofits,” co-authored with Allison Fine. The article highlights some of the themes in our book, The Smart Nonprofit: Staying Human-Centered in an Automated World, coming out in March, 2022.
The Smart Nonprofit is a jargon-free roadmap for nonprofit staff, boards, volunteers, and funders on the ways “smart technologies” like artificial intelligence are changing social change work. Smart tech will take over the time-consuming administrative tasks that make work feel overwhelming and endless, and that can lead to staff burnout and a lack of forward progress.
And here’s the most exciting part: Smart nonprofits create a “dividend of time,” a gift of new time that can be spent with clients and donors, preventing crises, thinking, learning, and even dreaming!
Smart nonprofits aren’t just large organizations; smaller organizations are just as able to use the technology and pivot to a deeply relational model of social change.
The Smart Nonprofit: Staying Human-Centered in an Automated World will be published on March 9, 2022. (You can pre-order your copy here)
Stay tuned for more details about book talks, webinars, podcasts, articles and more! And have a happy and healthy holiday season.
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