My second book, Measuring the Networked Nonprofit: Using Data to Change the World co-authored with Katie Delahaye Paine and featuring a foreword by Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen has been chosen as one of four finalists for the 2013 Terry McAdam Book Award of the Alliance for Nonprofit Management.
The award committee is now in process of reviewing the finalist selections to identify the 2013 winner of the award, which will be announced and presented at “Grown Locally, Practiced Nationally: A Conference That Builds Research-Based Practice,” the Alliance annual conference in Newark, New Jersey, August 7-9, 2013.
This photo of my father holding my second book, “Measuring the Networked Nonprofit,” was from my October, 2012 visit to see my Dad. Katie Paine and I had done a whirlwind of book talks in NYC and I stayed on the East Coast briefly to say hello. He loved Rob Cottingham cartoons. Yesterday, when I got the news that our book is in the finalists for the Terry McAdam Nonprofit Book Award! I told him about it and he smiled a big smile!
While proud of the outside recognition, my greatest hope for the book is that it would help nonprofits get started with the joy of measurement that would lead to improved results. It will also change the life of one young woman in Cambodia, Keo Savon (above) who lived in the same orphanage as my daughter who was adopted from Cambodia. I’m donating my author royalties to the Sharing Foundation in support of her college education. She is a civil engineering major.