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I am thrilled to share The Emerging Leaders Playbook – you can download here. It offers a comprehensive guide for emerging leaders and their mentors to help them make sense of the changing nature of leadership. The Playbook offers practical tools grounded in research, and accompanied by systems of support to guide reflection, growth, and organizational best practices. It is part of a project funded by the Packard Foundation that also includes an intensive peer learning program for emerging leaders and their mentors.
I am honored to have worked with Third Plateau Social Impact Strategies to develop the Playbook. I am using the Playbook to design and facilitate the peer learning sessions. I have been and will continue to share reflections and insights about this approach to leadership development for emerging leaders and their mentors on my blog. Here’s a few recent posts:
- The Secret Sauce for Productive Meetings that No One Talks About
- How Emerging Leaders Can Build Emotional Intelligence: There’s An App for That
- Healthy Nonprofit Meetings
- The Secret that Every Nonprofit Manager Knows About Productivity
- The Benefits of Using Data to Bring Mindfulness to Your Work
If you are an emerging nonprofit leader or mentoring one, what are your burning questions and most needed professional development topics? Please suggest ideas for future blog post.