Here is pic of super cool blue band @fitbit that CEO @parkjames wears. Not commercially available #atlantichealth — Steve Clemons (@SCClemons) March 18, 2015 Yesterday, I participated in two seemingly unrelated events that generated that question. Fitbit and fitness/health apps offer many benefits -- they help us become more aware of our healthy habits by measuring and producing data. The social component of the apps, sharing data with friends and competitions … [Read more...]
Reflections from #15ntc Session Walking As Work and 20/8/2 Rule
I just returned from my 15 consecutive Nonprofit Technology Conference hosted by NTEN! This year I designed and facilitated a highly interactive session called "Walking is Work: Don't Call It A Break" with Ritu Sharma. I also lead a conference networking walk following the session. This post summarizes some thoughts and reflections. The slides and resources from the session can be found here. This highly interactive session covered the research on why sitting is bad and why … [Read more...]
How To Make Meetings Work for Your Nonprofit (whether you are sitting,standing, or walking!)
[slideshare id=44836927&doc=finalwebinar2-150218101244-conversion-gate02] Last week, I co-presented a Guidestar webinar with Andrea Kihlstedt on the topic of healthy and productive meetings who talked about the basics for making meetings highly effective. I spoke about standing and walking meetings. This post shares some reflections and additional resources about both topics. Productive Meetings We all have lived through that awful conference call or equally horrendous in person meeting. … [Read more...]
Does Your Nonprofit Suffer from a Culture of Sitting? How To Change It
On February 12th, I'll be presenting on a FREE Guidestar Webinar on healthy and productive meetings and talking about walking meetings (register here). There is much research out there about why sitting at work is downright dangerous for your health. There is also research about how walking or even standing up at work can increase you and your team's creativity. Yet, many nonprofits are losing productivity and less creative because they are trapped in a culture of sitting. It's time to … [Read more...]
Healthy and Productive Meetings: Free Guidestar Webinar on Feb. 12th
A lot of my work consists of sitting — working on a computer, talking on the phone, or attending meetings or conferences. As Nilofer Merchant points out in this TED talk, people are sitting 9.3 hours a day, which is more than we're sleeping, at 7.7 hours. All that sitting is not good for your health. I made a commitment to change. I started using a Fitbit to monitor and motivate me to move, but I also sought out some ways to make walking part of work. I have learned a lot - and the results … [Read more...]